Taking care of our playground takes hundreds of member volunteers.
Our dedicated riding community averages over 2600 volunteer hours a year
Contact us for volunteer opportunities.
Have Volunteer Hours? Log them by clicking the LOG YOUR HOURS link below or submit with your full name, volunteer event, date and volunteer time by December 31st to secretary@rockymountaindirtriders.com
Volunteers with over 75 Hours
Scott McLeod
Dylan Cartwright
Allison Parsons
Marco Cussigh
Josh Boland
Dave Sheridan
Karly Cussigh
Robert Henry
Joe Franklin
Geoff Jilg
Bob Bradley
Anthony Palaschuk
Michael Dobovich
Mike Smith
Jaques Dupuis
Greg Schaff
Jon Griffiths
Aaron Brassard
Ken Knight
Kristen Broderick
Jamie Kromrey
Patrick Williamson
Jayson Huff
Tanaya Jilg
Alonna Kromrey
Gerry Glaser
Lance Greenhardt
Glenn Spurrell
Alex Catchpaugh
Brian Coe
Doug Nydokus
Steve Roach
Dallas Wymann
Ryan Lueday
Alyssa Bruce
Tim Bruce
Mike Tracy
Rob Stronach
Aaron Bauer
Larry Dyck
Laura Dyck
Garrett Witthrel
Steve Jeffries
Kelly Jeffries
Paul Sibbald
Corey Ireton
Ryan Nagy
Paul Jones
Marty Stromquist
Kris Thistle